A Bibliography of Wittgenstein & Religion (Alphabetical)


Abramson, Celene Charlotte. " Ethics in Wittgenstein." M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1987.

Aldwinckle, Russell Foster. "Much Ado About Words: Some Reflections on Language, Philosophy, and Theology." Canadian Journal of Theology 7 (1961): 91-98.

Alfaro, Juan. "Ludwig Wittgenstein ante la cuestión del sentido de la vida." Gregorianum 67 (1986): 693-744.

Allen, James Thomas. "Wittgenstein on Knowledge and Belief." M.A. thesis, Memphis State University, 1972.

Almeida, Ivan. "Discours inter-dit, discours transitionnel: reflexions metasemiotiques sur la nature du discours religieux." In Theolinguistics, ed. J. van Noppen, 47-62. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1981.

Almond, Philip. "On the Varieties of Mystical Experience." Sophia 18 (1979): 1-9.

Almond, Philip. "Winch and Wittgenstein." Religious Studies 12 (1976): 473-482.

Almond, Philip. "Wittgenstein and Religion." Sophia 16 (1977): 24-27.

Alper, Harvey P. 1989. “The Cosmos as Siva’s Language-game: ‘Mantra’ According to Ksemaraja’s Sivasutravimarsini” In Harvey Alper (ed.) Understanding Mantras. Albany: State University of New York Press, 249-294.

Altmann, Alexander. 1987. “The God of Religion, the God of Metaphysics and Wittgenstein’s ‘Language-games’.” Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 39(4):289-306.

Anderson, R. J., J. A. Hughes, and W. W. Sharrock. 1984. “Wittgenstein and Comparative Sociology.” Inquiry 27:268-276.

Anderson, Tyson. 1990. “Esotericism and the Essentialist Assumption.” Aries (1990): 33-45.

Anderson, Tyson. 1972[?]. “Wittgenstein and the Logical Possibility of Immortality.” Ph.D. Dissertation., Temple University.

Anscombe, G. E. M. 1953. “Wittgenstein.” World Review (January):3

Antiseri, Dario. 1975. "Empirismo odierno e teologia nel caso 'Wittgenstein'." In Filosofia e Teologia Contemporee. Atti del XXIX Convegno del Centro di Studi Filosofici tra professori universari, Gallarte, 1974. Brescia: Morcelliana, 1975, 109-116.

Antiseri, Dario. 1973. "La 'mistica' di un 'logico': ovvero la religione in Ludwig Wittgenstein." Proteus 4:163-170.

Apel, Karl Otto. 1966. “Wittgenstein und das Problem des hermeneutischen Verstehens.” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 63:49-87.

Arcenas, Bruno C. “The Signification of the Mystical in the Tractatus Logico-philosophicus.” M.A. thesis, St. John’s University, 1974.

Archer, Dermot J. (1983-1984). “Küng, Wittgenstein, and God.” Irish Theological Quarterly 50:239-249.

Archer, Dermot J. 1985. “Tolstoy’s God Sees the Truth, But Waits: A Reflection.” Religious Studies 21:75-89.

Ard, David J. 1978. "Language, Reality and Religion in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein." Ph.D. Dissertation, McMaster Univ., 1978. Abstracts 39:5570A.

Arens, Edmund. 1985. “Jesus’ Communicative Actions: the Basis for Christian Faith Praxis, Witnessing, and Confessing.” Conrad Grebel Review 3:67-85.

Armengaud, Françoise. 1983. “Moore et Wittgenstein: ‘Je crois que’ - ‘Je sais que’.” In On Believing: Epistemological and Semiotic Approaches, ed. Herman Parret, 31-47. New York: W. de Gruyter.

Armour, Leslie and Mostafa Faghfoury. 1984. “Wittgenstein’s Philosophy and Religious Insight.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 22:33-48.

Armstrong, Benjamin Franklin Jr. 1980. “Skepticism and Theories of Justification.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Arnswald, Ulrich. 1998. “The Tension at the Core of the Tractatus.” Acta Analytica 21:49-56.

Ayer, A. J. 1985. Wittgenstein. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Ayers, Robert H. 1976. “Language Theory and Analysis in Augustine.” Scottish Journal of Theology 29:1-12.


Bahnsen, Greg L. 1976. “Philosophy: Pragmatism Prejudice, and Presuppositionalism” in Gary North (Ed.) Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til Perspective. Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, pp 241-292.

Baldini, Massimo. 1993. “Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951): il silenzio, l’etica, e la religione.” In Dio nella filosofia del Novecento, ed. Giorgio Penzo, 247-255. Brescia: Queriniana.

Balmuth, Jerome. “Wittgenstein and Religious Belief,” in Gombocz, Wolfgang, L (Ed.). 1984. Philosophy of Religion: Proceedings of the 8th International Wittgenstein Symposium - Religionsphilosophie: Akten des 8. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums. 15th to 21st August 1983. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, pp. 157-160.

Baltazar, Eulalio R. 1981. “Speaking of God in an ever changing world.” In Whither Creativity, Freedom, Suffering?: Humanity, Cosmos, God, ed. Francis Eigo, 139-170. Villanova PA: Villanova University Press.

Bambrough, Renford. 1989. “Does Philosophy ‘Leave Everything As It Is’? Even Theology?” Philosophy 25:225-236.

Bambrough, Renford. 1969. Reason, Truth, and God. London: Methuen. (Republished in 2013 by Routledge)

Banner, Michael C. 1986. “The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief.” Ph.D. diss., University of Oxford.

Bar-Elli, Gilead. 1993. “Belief and Form of Life: Leibowitz and Wittgenstein” [Hebrew]. Iyyun 42:493-508.

Barrett, Cyril. 1994. Etica y creencia religiosa en Wittgenstein. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [Translation]

Barrett, Cyril. 1992. “The Logic of Mysticism” In Religion and Philosophy, ed. Martin Warner, 61-69. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Barrett, Cyril. 1991. Wittgenstein on Ethics and Religious Belief. Cambridge MA: Blackwell.

Barrie, J. A. 1980. “The Autonomy of Religious Discourse.” Sophia 19:34-41.

Bartley, William. 1992. “Wittgenstein and Homosexuality.” In Homosexuality and Religion and Philosophy, ed. Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson, 2-32. New York: Garland.

Bassols, Alejandro Tomasini. 1989. “Conceptos religiosos y vida religiosa.” Dianoia (1989): 91-105.

Baum, Wilhelm. 1982. “Das Christentum als einzig sicherer Weg zum Glück. Neue Quellen zur negativen Theologie im Tractatus.” Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 104:191-195.

Baum, Wilhelm. 1979. “Ludwig Wittgenstein und die Religion.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 86:272-299.

Baum, Wilhelm. 1980. “Ludwig Wittgenstein’s World View.” Ratio 22:64-74.

Baum, Wilhelm. 1977. “Wittgensteins Tolstojanisches Christentum.” Conceptus 11:339-349.

Baum, Wilhelm. 1992. “Wittgenstein’s Tractatus as a ‘Negative Theology’ [Czech/Slovakian]” Filozofia 47:212-220.

Beards, Andrew. 1995. “Anti-realism and Critical Realism: Dummett and Lonergan.” Downside Review 113:119-155.

Beardsley, Patrick J. 1974. "Aquinas and Wittgenstein on the grounds of certainty." Modern Schoolman 51:301-334.

Bearn, Gordon C. “Cavell, Wittgenstein, and Human Finitude.” in Gombocz, Wolfgang, L (Ed.). 1984. Philosophy of Religion: Proceedings of the 8th International Wittgenstein Symposium - Religionsphilosophie: Akten des 8. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums. 15th to 21st August 1983. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, pp 95-97.

Bearn, Gordon C. 1993. “Wittgenstein and the Uncanny.” Soundings 76:29-58.

Beckman, James. 1990. “Wittgenstein and Religious Belief.” M.A. Thesis, University of St. Michael’s College.

Beehler, Rodger. 1978. Moral Life. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bejerholm, L. 1965. "Logiken i 'Guds ledning'." [Swedish] Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskift 41:25-38.

Bell, Richard. 1986. “The Aesthetic Factor in Art and Religion.” Religious Studies 22:181-192.

Bell, Richard H. 1974. "Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein: Two Strategies for understanding theology." Illif Review 31:21-34.

Bell, Richard H. “Religion and Wittgenstein’s Legacy: Beyond Fideism and Language-Games,” in Tessin, Timothy and Mario von der Ruhr (Eds.). 1995. Philosophy and the Grammar of Religious Belief. New York: St Martin’s Press. [pp]

Bell, Richard H. 1968. “Theology as Grammar: Uses of Linguistic Philosophy for the Study of Theology with Special Reference to Ludwig Wittgenstein.” Ph.D. diss., Yale University.

Bell, Richard H. 1978. "Understanding the fire-festivals: Wittgenstein and theories of religion." Religious Studies 14:113-124.

Bell, Richard H. 1969. "Wittgenstein and descriptive theology." Religious Studies 5:1-18.

Bell, Richard H. and Ronald E. Hustwit. 1978. Essays on Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein: On Understanding the Self. Wooster OH: College of Wooster.

Berenson, Frances M. 1984. “Some Remarks About the Unutterable.” Philosophical Exchange: Annual Proceedings 15-16:61-76.

Bhat, P. R. 1996. “Wittgenstein and Svatahpramanyavada.” In East West Encounters in Philosophy and Religion, ed. Ninian Smart. Long Beach: Long-Beach, 254-271.

Bildhauer, William M. 1972. "The Reality of God: An Investigation of the Adequacy of Wittgenstein's Fideism." Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Arizona, 1972. Dissertation Abstracts 33 (1973):6394-6395A.

Bindeman, Steven Lee. 1978. “The Role of Silence in the Philosophies of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein.” Thesis, Duquesne University.

Blackstone, William T. 1963. The Problem of Religious Knowledge: The Impact of Philosophical Analysis on the Question of Religious Knowledge. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bochenski, Joseph M. 1984. “Eröffnungsrede zum achten internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposium 1983,” in Gombocz, Wolfgang, L (Ed.). 1984. Philosophy of Religion: Proceedings of the 8th International Wittgenstein Symposium - Religionsphilosophie: Akten des 8. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums. 15th to 21st August 1983. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. [pp.]

Boero, Mario. 1994. “Wittgenstein: Espiritualidad y mistica en su biografia” Logos (Mexico) 22:39-81.

Boero-Vargas, Mario. 1998. Biografia y mistica de un pensador. Madrid: Skolar.

Bourbon, Brett Ryan. 1996. “Constructing a Replacement for the Soul: The Grammars of Self-Reflection and Temporality as the Limits of Language in Finnegan’s Wake, Philosophical Investigations, and Cognitive Science (Ludwig Wittgenstein, James Joyce, and Martin Heidegger).” Ph.D. dissertation., Harvard University.

Boutin, Maurice. 1990. “Méprises du langage, énigme du monde, à propos d’une expression étrange du Tractatus de Wittgenstein.” Religiologiques (1990) 37:49.

Bouveresse, Jacques. 1991. Philosophie, mythologie et pseudo-science: Wittgenstein lecteur de Freud. Combas, France: Editions de l’Eclat.

Bouveresse, Jacques. 1993. “Wittgenstein on Frazer.” In A Wittgenstein Symposium, ed. Josep-Maria Terricabras. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Bouveresse, Jacques. 1973. Wittgenstein, la rime et la raison. Science, éthique et esthétique. Paris: Editions de Minuit.

Bouwsma, O. K. 1986. Wittgenstein: Conversations 1949-1951. Indianapolis: Hackett.

Bouwsma, O. K. 1984. Without Proof or Evidence: Essays of O. K. Bouwsma. J. L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit (Eds.). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Braithwaite, R. B. 1955. An Empiricist’s View of the Nature of Religious Belief. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bramann, J. K. 1975. "Kafka and Wittgenstein on religious language." Sophia (Australia) 14:1-9.

Bramann, J. K. 1975. "Religious language in Wittgenstein and Kafka." Diogenes no. 90:26-35.

Brecher, Robert. 1983. “Karl Barth: Wittgensteinian Theologian Manqué.” Heythrop Journal 24:290-300.

Brenner, William H. 1991. “Chesterton, Wittgenstein, and the Foundations of Ethics.” Philosophical Investigations (1991):311-323.

Brenner, William H. 1996. “Theology as Grammar.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 34:439-454.

Brenner, William H. 1999. Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Albany, NY: SUNY.

Brent, Allen. 1982. “Transcendental Arguments for the Forms of Knowledge.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 16:265-274.

Bretall, Robert. 1987. “The Concept of Purpose in Reformation Thought.” In Religion and Human Purpose, ed. W. Horosz and T. Clements, 165-195. Boston: M. Nijhoff.

Breton, Stanislas. 1975. “Le sacré dans le langage philosophique.” In Prospettive sul sacro, ed. E. Castelli. Padova: CEDAM, pp. 15-26.

Britton, Karl William. 1962. “Philosophische Ethik der Gegenwart in England: übersetzt von J Schollmeier.” Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 6:101-115.

Brose, Karl. 1994. “Religion und Ethik beim späten Wittgenstein: Zu Themen Über Gewissheit.” Wittgenstein Studies.

Browarzik, Ulrich. 1988. “Der grundlose Glaube: Wittgenstein über Religion.” Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 30:72-100.

Brown, David. 1986. “Wittgenstein Against the ‘Wittgensteinians’: A Reply to Kenneth Surin on The Divine Trinity.” Modern Theology 2:257-276.

Bruce, Graham A. 1988. “Wittgenstein, Relative Scientific, and Biblical Models and an Approach to Reality.” Theologia Evangelica 21:27-33.

Bruening, Willian H. 1977a. "Aquinas and Wittgenstein on God-talk." Sophia (Australia) 16:1-7.

Bruening, William H. 1982. “God Created Man.” Philosophical Studies (Ireland) 29:25-33.

Brümmer, Vincent. 1994. “Has the Theism-Atheism Debate a Future?” Theology 97:426-432.

Brümmer, Vincent. 1993. “Wittgenstein and the Irrationality of Rational Theology” In The Christian Understanding of God Today: Theological Colloquium on the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary of the Foundation of Trinity College, Dublin, Ed. James Byrne. Dublin: Columbia Press, 88-102.

Brümmer, Vincent. 1994. “Wittgenstein en de natuurlijke theologie.” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 48:306-318.

Bugault, Guy. 1990. “Buddhist Anthropology vis-à-vis Modern Philosophy and Contemporary Neurophysiology.” Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research: 69-76.

Bugault, Guy. 1986. “L’anthropologie bouddhiste face à la philosophie moderne et à la neurophysiologie contemporaine.” Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 203:381-393.

Burghel, H. 1978. Wittgenstein and His Impact on Contemporary Thought. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.

Burhenn, H. 1974. "Religious Beliefs as Pictures." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42:326-335.

Burke, T. E. 1976. "Theological Originality." Religious Studies 12:1-20.

Burke, T. E. “Wittgenstein’s Lectures on Religious Belief: A Reconsideration.” In Wittgenstein and His Impact [on Contemporary Thought?], Ed. E. Leinfellner. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 510-512.

Burkhardt, Armin. 1983. “Kant, Wittgenstein, und das Verhältnis der relativen Ethik zur absoluten: zur Begründung einer Ökologischen Ethik.” Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 27:391-431.

Burnyeat, Myles F. 1999. “Wittgenstein and Augustine De Magistro.” In The Augustinian Tradition, ed. Gareth B. Matthews. Berkeley: University of California Press, 286-303.

Burr, R. 1976. "Wittgenstein's later language-philosophy and some issues in philosophy of mysticism." International Journal of Philosophy of Religion 7:261-287.

Burr, Ronald. 1986. “Wittgenstein’s Non-Representational Religious Pictures.” In The Tasks of Contemporary Philosophy (Die Aufgaben der Philosophie in der Gegenwart) Proceedings of the 10th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1985, ed. Werner Leinfellner. Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 352-354.

Burrell, David B. 1970. “The Future of Philosophical Theology as Reflective Awareness.” In The Future of Philosophical Theology ed. Robert A. Evans. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 85-112.

Burrows, Mark S. 1993. “Naming the God Beyond Names: Wisdom from the Tradition on the Old Problem of God Language.” Modern Theology 9:37-53.